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Yogabeach is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Athletic Performance brand: MoveLab Pro

​ is your source for FREE online, weekly Soft Work sequences. The fitness industry is fixated on building bodies, MoveLab Pro is focused on bodies that are built to last.


 Soft Tissue Release

Eliminate areas of chronic tension and recover from playing and training with the most effective soft-tissue release techniques in the industry.


 Joint Mobility

Enhance flow and upgrade your movement sophistication with this cornerstone of Soft Work.



 Mobility / Flexibility

Bulletproof your body with our unique flexibility formula that creates greater range of motion that you can control.



Back-Up your Soft Work with compound movements and core work that re-integrate the improved function of select joints and tissues.

With, you are one click away from pain-free movement, greater mobility, increased flexibility, injury prevention, and effective recovery programming that deliver increased levels of athletic performance.

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