4501 Irving Street @ 46th Avenue San Francisco, CA
yogabeach is a dedicated sacred space for your yoga practice.
Daily in-person yoga classes
In-Studio | In-Person Yoga Classes offering:
Community Connection | Accountability | Supportive & Nurturing Environment | Physical Awakening | Mental Clarity | Love | Yoga
Yoga is the Ultimate Act of Self LOVE
What to expect when you check in...
• Confirm that you have a reservation
• Remind you to wear a mask always
• Ask you our Health Screening question
• Ask you to use hand sanitizer before and after class.
• Remind you to maintain 6 feet distance from others
• You will wipe down your yoga mat location prior to use and we will disinfect your station after use with disinfectant wipes
Upon entry, you will be required to sanitize your hands with the hand sanitizer dispenser located in the entry way.
Clients are expected to wipe down class area before and after use. Our staff will follow up with equipment cleaning with powerful CleanPod UVC light sterilization wands which with the press of a button, a high-energy beam of UVC (ultraviolet C) light is emitted from the specialized LEDs, effectively sanitizing surfaces without the use of chemicals. In 30 seconds, UVC light can kill up to 99.9% of germs that get in the way.
Anti-bacterial NanoSeptic strips will be applied to high-traffic touch points. Powered by light, NanoSeptic surfaces utilize mineral nano-crystals which create a powerful oxidation reaction. Working 24/7, the surface continually oxidizes organic contaminants. Unlike traditional disinfectants and cleaners, the NanoSeptic surface uses no poisons, heavy metals or chemicals, and nothing is released from the surface since the nano-crystals are molecularly bonded to the material.
Keep a safe distance from others – The CDC recommends physical distancing of 6 feet.
We have placed social distancing stickers throughout the gym as a reminder to all.
Studio capacity – We’ll follow state mandates regarding capacity limits. Our facility can comfortably accommodate members while practicing social distancing and following state regulations. Mat placement is spread out so that each placement is 6 feet apart.
During class, staff will maintain at least 6 ft of distance from members unless the member is at immediate risk of injury and requires assistance.
Go Mobile and Touchless – We’re encouraging members to make sure their credit card is on file to keep cash transactions at a minimum.
Re-opening Hours – Our business hours will temporarily change to accommodate capacity restrictions.
Clients are required to wear masks while inside the studio. You will be asked to comply or leave the studio and potentially lose membership if you do not comply.
Staff will wear masks at all times. Staff will wear gloves while cleaning the studio. Face shields will be available to staff but not required.
Removing smaller high-touch items from the studio such as bolsters, bands, blocks, and mats.
The tea and water will be temporarily unavailable for use.
When feasible, we will keep windows and doors open to encourage fresh air to come into the studio.
We’re asking clients to do their part in helping us maintain a safe environment. Here are some guidelines to follow:
Upon entry, you will be required to sanitize your hands with the hand sanitizer dispenser located in the entry way.
Come to the studio session dressed for the workout session. We will not have dressing rooms available.
Members should arrive at the studio no earlier than 10 minutes before class starts. If they arrive, sooner, they will remain outside and safely distanced from others until all clients from the previous sessions have exited and sanitizing is complete.
Bathrooms will continue to be available and will be frequently be disinfected. Toilet lid will be closed prior to flushing.
Be courteous, compassionate, and patient.
Keep a safe distance of 6 feet away from other members
Please stay at home if you are feeling ill, have been in contact with someone in the last 2 weeks suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, or have a fever of 100.4 degrees.
Sanitize your hands immediately before and after entering the studio.
Bring your own water bottle, towel, mats, props, etc.
While we understand this may be inconvenient, our primary focus during this time is the health and safety of each one of you as well as our staff. We would also like to keep the studio open and avoid violations, we depend on your compliance for this. Many of you have been members with us for many years and we appreciate your loyalty and patience during this time.
Steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our staff and the public.
Our key prevention practices include:
● physical distancing to the maximum extent possible,
● use of face coverings by staff
● frequent handwashing and regular cleaning and disinfection
● training our workers on these and other elements of the COVID-19 prevention plan.
Our reservation system will be critical to have in place to identify new cases of illness in the studio and, when they are identified, to intervene quickly and work with public health authorities to halt the spread of the virus.
Should we identify a case of illness, we will immediately contact the San Francisco Department of Health.
We will regularly evaluate the facility for compliance with the plan and document and correct deficiencies identified.